April 2011
Tweets on Twitter by Fleur Irisée
- 4/30/2010 Delighted that my short-term #condo rental in Financial District is getting in a new tenant tomorrow & Back Bay condo resigned a year lease!
- 4/30/2011 Happy National #Raisin Day - such a sweet but ugly lil fruit bite w/lots of uses! http://www.perishablenews.com/index.php?article=0014722
- 4/29/2011 I know Mooo Restaurant, @XVBeaconHotel , is a #steak house, but I l-o-v-e-d the #seafood platter tonight. http://www.mooorestaurant.com
- 4/29/2011 It's National Shrimp Scampi Day. It makes me think of the #Scampi al Gratin at Ristorante Saraceno in the #NorthEnd http://www.saracenos.com
- 4/28/2011 So proud that @nbcnightlynews w/Brian Williams chose to cover #USA #tornado events vs. England Wedding http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032619/
- 4/28/2011 YES! View Harry #Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Trailer @enews http://eonli.ne/jFJlDd Opening soon after @Fleur_Irisee owner's bday
- 4/27/2011 For "cheat-day" #delivery in the Brighton area, Andalus Pizza & Cafe has realllly good salads, #pizza and subs! http://andalusbrighton.com
- 4/26/2011 Just ordered my new Summer fragrance, Ange ou Demon by #Givenchy. I hope it wears well. http://www.parfumsgivenchy.com/Ange_ou_Demon.php
- 4/26/2011 Looking forward to trying @NubarCambridge tonight w/ the one & only, Naomi @GENERATIONScine #videographer ... I can taste the cocktails now!
- 4/26/2011 Warm & Salty, Mmmm: It's National Pretzel Day & @Pretzelmaker spots are celebrating w/free #pretzel promos http://www.nationalpretzelday.com
- 4/26/2011 I heard the same sentiments re:@5napkinburger, @marlomarketing. It's too expensive for what you get. Sad b/c NYC's #burger spot is good.
- 4/25/2011 Just got my @PeapodDelivers order (well packed as usual) and can't wait to try the new #organic bananas. Thanks! http://www.peapod.com
- 4/25/2011 Phew! I'm exhausted from eatting, drinking, & laughing w/friends. Monday sounds perfect to try the mini #burgers special @SeldelaTerre
- 4/24/2011 RT@kurtmalec: Celebrate America's most beloved floppy-eared icons. View Photos of Influential #Rabbits @thedailybeast http://shar.es/Hsvjx
- 4/24/2011 What's on your #Easter menu? It's National Pigs-In-a-Blanket Day. (P.S. I only use Hebrew National hot dogs - yummm) www.hebrewnational.com
- 4/24/2011 HAPPY EASTER! Take a break from your Peeps b/c it's the last day to visit #Anime @AdvantageBOSTON. @AnimeBoston http://www.animeboston.com
- 4/23/2011 About to make my colorful #Easter treats w/2 star ingredients: @belvederevodka & Jell-O @kraftfoods http://yfrog.com/h45jivij
- 4/23/2011 It's National Picnic Day. My #picnic: inside the house (to avoid a soggy bottom) on the living room floor starting w/ wine & cheese w/ tv on
- 4/22/2011 A sweet 'happy birthday' gesture from #RumBa InterContinental Boston. Thanks, @WorldConcierge http://yfrog.com/h3zyebwj
- 4/22/2011 By now, everyone on Earth must know it's #EarthDay, but did you also know it's National Jelly Bean Day? http://www.jellybelly.com/ #JellyBean
- 4/22/2011 I like a lot of shows; The #Killing is the 1st one in awhile I'm in awe of (movie quality). Can't wait for Sun! http://bit.ly/hJ9EPe @AMC_TV
- 4/21/2011 Just tried #Sportello: I loved the bakery section. Don't miss tomorrow's #Bagle Friday (yum) http://www.sportelloboston.com/ @SportelloBoston
- 4/21/2011 Tomorrow, ALL DAY, Bring your travel mug to @Starbucks & get it filled w/ #coffee or #tea for free (20% off travel mugs too) #deals
- 4/20/2011 Lil loves, Bruin & Foster: friends! (ARL & Pets In Need) @ARLBostonRescue @PetsInNeed @BeantownTails http://yfrog.com/h0oi6wsj
- 4/20/2011 Enjoying my first taste of @glutenusminimus bakery. The coffee cakes are A+! http://www.glutenusminimus.com/ http://yfrog.com/h7g4tinj
- 4/20/2011 Govt protects the #traveler: Airlines must reimburse for lost bags, bumped flights. Get more: http://usat.ly/hhq3YN @travelmedia @USATODAY
- 4/20/2011 Here's a great list of songs dedicated to #rain to help us through this soggy time: http://www.lacarte.org/songs/rain/ #ALaCarte #song list
- 4/20/2011 "Thank you for making this your bookstore for so many years ..." #Borders on Boylston St. is now #closed http://brd.rs/4nySaK @BackBayUpdate
- 4/19/2011 ENDS TONIGHT: $29 for two 9-hole rounds at Fresh Pond #Golf Course low restrictions & good all year http://buyw.me/e8kIc7 @BuyWithMeBoston
- 4/19/2011 My hometown, #Winchester, supports @Boston_Bakes: @TheTruffle, @7ate9bakery & @DanaFarber are feat. in @WinchesterPatch http://bit.ly/h8AbXi
- 4/19/2011 Dining Dreams: a few #Restaurants I want to try in 2011 http://fleuririsee.blogspot.com/2011/04/dining-dreams-restaurants-to-experience.html
- 4/18/2011 Love the Love Doctor visit on #DWTS - I think Les Grossman needs to make a cameo too @TomCruise
- 4/18/2011 Who's watching @NoReservations? Anthony #Bourdain is talking about #Boston tonight! http://www.travelchannel.com/TV_Shows/Anthony_Bourdain
- 4/18/2011 Excited to see Bob's in #Medford feat. as a top pick for Take-Out on @PhantomGourmet. It's always been a party fav! http://www.bobsfood.com
- 4/18/2011 Another #tequila bar?!? Watch out Papagayo, #Temazcal Tequila Cantina looks mucho mejor - I can't wait to visit! http://temazcalcantina.com
- 4/17/2011 Great dinner @gansevoortTC Next time I'm staying at the #Gansevoort hotel too http://bit.ly/dSNwtz http://yfrog.com/h4ezlvcj
- 4/17/2011 Federal Gov. seized the 3 top #poker sites' $$. It's GONE. If you have money in the alt. sites (Bodog, Juicy Stakes etc), WITHDRAW IT NOW!
- 4/17/2011 Happy National #Cheeseball Day! To act or to eat? That is the question #food
- 4/17/2011 Dinner at No. 9 Park was delicious, but their #cheese cart was not half as well kept as Menton's - C'est la vie! http://www.no9park.com
- 4/16/2011 Today's a perfect day to brunch and celebrate National Eggs Benedict Day (the Kristin secret: I get my #eggs scrambled). Happy Saturday!
- 4/15/2011 Excited to try Nubar & sit at their goldenesque bar! Where can I get a peak at the menu/cocktails? @NubarCambridge http://nubarcambridge.com
- 4/15/2011 Sunday: #Scolars opens w/ an eclectic restaurant, interactive raw bar, live entertainment, & billiards room http://www.scholarsboston.com
- 4/14/2011 Who's attending the New England Bridal Affair tonight from 6-9 pm @langhamboston?! www.newenglandbridalaffair.com/ #weddings #brides
- 4/14/2011 House passes 2011 #budget deal that averted shutdown with bipartisan support http://usat.ly/fIV5QY
- 4/13/2011 A beautiful night @GraceBayClub Infinity Bar. We loved all the comfy seating www.gracebayresorts.com http://yfrog.com/h7n97egj
- 4/13/2011 What a delicious dinner @TheSomerset in #TCI www.thesomerset.com http://yfrog.com/h7b2xyhj
- 4/12/2011 Scones were delicious, but my favorite tier were the sandwiches (cucumber, egg & ham) @BrownPalace http://yfrog.com/h332742515j
- 4/12/2011 RT @MetMuseum: The Roof Garden will open on Tuesday, April 26, weather permitting. Checking on opening date of martini bar. #HoorayforSpring
- 4/11/2011 RT@901Silver: Well said! RT"When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila n salt" /via @jayondathottip
- 4/11/2011 One of my favorites: It's National #Cheese #Fondue Day! I really want to try Taureau in NYC (...my mouth is watering) http://taureaunyc.com
- 4/10/2011 A good list of places to dine at during #Easter (sometimes it's good to go out) http://bostonchefs.com/holiday/easter/ @BostonChefsNews
- 4/9/2011 Back home in #Boston and loving it - I've missed the city skyline and sounds of the T
- 4/7/2011 Just had a wonderful afternoon #tea at the Brown Palace in Denver, CO @brownpalace www.brownpalace.com
- 4/5/2011 I can't wait to get my mail! #Oyster delivery for a fair price www.islandcreekoysters.com/store/fresh-seafood @islandcreek
- 4/5/2011 It's National #Caramel Day (Boston just welcomed a Max Brenner opening). Hmm, what treats can u celebrate with?! @maxbrenner @maxbrennerusa
- 4/4/2011 RT @Perez Hilton: Miz @Dolly_Parton once said, "If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." #Truth
- 4/2/2011 Massachusetts-based X-ray detection technology, AS&E's Z Backscatter Van™ (#ZBV) is threatening personal privacy (& health?) www.as-e.com
- 4/2/2011 Living w/ chronic bitchface. It's something I've had my whole life- finally a helpful educational treat http://blog.krisatomic.com/?p=1617
- 4/1/2011 Don't miss A Taste of North End. @NorthEnd 3course prefixes at #Italian restaurants ($30.11, ends April 3) http://www.northendchamberofcommerce.com/

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